Jacob Kitchen
I’m holding for a long time unless it’s a crazy amount which I don’t believe is gonna happen anytime soon but who knows. I’m in it for the long run
If you have less than 5000 invested in here then worry about yourself. Matter of fact you should already be Focus on your life not everyone else’s if you would have read it you would have seen I was joking dumbass
MisterJ420 : holding till 1k
deez_nuts MisterJ420 : be real about it bro
phillyphan278 : Im holding above 100, hopefully a rack lol
eccomoo : I have some set at 200 some at 250 and some at 500
ArreoalPayne : When it hits 50 I’m out of here
ArreoalPayne :

Jacob Kitchen ArreoalPayne : go higher!
ArreoalPayne Jacob Kitchen : I’m holding for a long time unless it’s a crazy amount which I don’t believe is gonna happen anytime soon but who knows. I’m in it for the long run
MisterJ420 ArreoalPayne : paper ass hands lol
ArreoalPayne MisterJ420 : If you have less than 5000 invested in here then worry about yourself. Matter of fact you should already be Focus on your life not everyone else’s
if you would have read it you would have seen I was joking dumbass
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