What does this mean? I originally invested $50.00 on SNDL bought in on higher range of $3.00 last week... dropping like crazy... today invested another....large sum of $20.00 yeah I know:) anyway question is does Moomoo charge for trades or transactions... I tranfered the $20.00 today and bought on the low end of 1.50 a share. My net assets are showing $21.08 Cash at -19.52 with Securities value of $40.60 Could someone help explain it for me. Thank you. Neozhane.
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I suggest you contact cs@fututrade.com to check your asset status. Because every order/market price could affect your account asset.
when you transfer moneyz in it takes a few days for it to settle. so moomoo fronts you the funds (buying power) thats what you see as a negative amount. and if you invested 50 at 3 a share and it is down to 1.5. half yo money is gone. till it comes back up of course. so hold for better days. they will come. I dont think moomoo charges anything. if they do its like 2cents a trade. dont quote me doh
Captain Flint
The negative $19 in cash is probably from your transfer not completing yet. if you used instant buying power it'll stay like that for a few days until the money goes thru. And net assets are the current price of your stocks, plus or minus cash
70087910 : I suggest you contact cs@fututrade.com to check your asset status. Because every order/market price could affect your account asset.
MadGuineaPig : when you transfer moneyz in it takes a few days for it to settle. so moomoo fronts you the funds (buying power) thats what you see as a negative amount. and if you invested 50 at 3 a share and it is down to 1.5. half yo money is gone. till it comes back up of course. so hold for better days. they will come.
I dont think moomoo charges anything. if they do its like 2cents a trade. dont quote me doh
Captain Flint : The negative $19 in cash is probably from your transfer not completing yet. if you used instant buying power it'll stay like that for a few days until the money goes thru. And net assets are the current price of your stocks, plus or minus cash
71702386 OP 70087910 : ty
71702386 OP MadGuineaPig : ty
71702386 OP Captain Flint : ty