m_m_m : There is no moon, unless your moon is called “loss”
OldNormanBates m_m_m : ah, another Short Seller, hahaha
m_m_m : Not a short seller. Look at the market - all is going down. Same with crypto. Bearish era is back!
5andNine m_m_m : kick rocks Felicia.......you apparently know NOTHING about stocks. If you did your research you would have left this one alone.....
bigdude71 : yeah everyone told me the same same about Hexo when i bought it for 72 cents a share and now it is worth 10x that now and increasing.
m_m_m : There is no moon, unless your moon is called “loss”
OldNormanBates m_m_m : ah, another Short Seller, hahaha
m_m_m : Not a short seller. Look at the market - all is going down. Same with crypto. Bearish era is back!
5andNine m_m_m : kick rocks Felicia.......
you apparently know NOTHING about stocks. If you did your research you would have left this one alone.....
bigdude71 : yeah everyone told me the same same about Hexo when i bought it for 72 cents a share and now it is worth 10x that now and increasing.