Hoping V : What you are doing?
70532004 : me
71179392 OP 70532004 : Good to know. I've been holding mine and it's been going down. Got it high and don't want to sell at lost.
70063759 : this is a long term hold ijs do the research
70063759 : price drops avg down,,,
Ozzy07 : Yes holding at least to $8 plus for now.
笑着去银行 : 3 to 6 months investment for me
Hoping V : What you are doing?
70532004 : me
71179392 OP 70532004 : Good to know. I've been holding mine and it's been going down. Got it high and don't want to sell at lost.
70063759 : this is a long term hold ijs do the research
70063759 : price drops avg down,,,
Ozzy07 : Yes holding at least to $8 plus for now.
笑着去银行 : 3 to 6 months investment for me