71013786 : What should I do if I'm covered
ZZzz_ OP 71013786 : Sooner or later it will rise back, so I'm wearing it
71013786 ZZzz_ OP : It is said that they will be cut off and won't be able to return in 10 years
Nairobi 71013786 : Who did you hear that?
71485198 Nairobi : It must be the old king next door
71013786 : What should I do if I'm covered
ZZzz_ OP 71013786 : Sooner or later it will rise back, so I'm wearing it
71013786 ZZzz_ OP : It is said that they will be cut off and won't be able to return in 10 years
Nairobi 71013786 : Who did you hear that?
71485198 Nairobi : It must be the old king next door