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$GameStop (GME.US)$ okay guys I've got a theory now my theor...

$GameStop (GME.US)$ okay guys I've got a theory now my theory is that the hedge funds as well as the exchanges they took quite a bit of loss on this put most of the broker dealers into a margin call which they could not satisfy for billions which I believe not only the hedge funds but the broker dealers as well as the option exchange and the sec are all working together in order to stabilize the market and what I mean by that is that we cost them so much money that there was none to pay that means your accounts would have been wiped out if something wasn't done so they got together devised a plan they froze everybody's account and use our Capital that was invested in GameStop options already in order to make up their losses I believe Monday that you will get your money if you're a still are currently in a GameStop trade don't panic set a pending limit order very high and let it sit there or your trade will be free to trade come Monday because I know mine has been frozen and so has everybody I know so yours probably are too now the value you see most certainly is in the value of the worth so don't panic if you have options on GameStop on the put or call I believe that you are going to be made whole and the conclusion will most likely be Monday because what I believe they're doing is that this last run was actually the hedge funds running up the stock in order to reposition so they can make up their losses now they're going to short the stock at the top and then make up every dollar that he lost as well as make up the money they owe us now this needed to be done because I told you they can't afford to take these losses this is other people's money they're investing this if they wouldn't have work together in order to accomplish this 90% of the account that you currently hold would most likely have been wiped out now I don't know this to be a fact but this is truly honestly my belief and I think that the fact that there is nobody making a big deal there's no lawsuits there's no SEC stepping involved that everybody is fully aware of what's going on in anticipate this to be over very soon with the end result of making every investor hold whatever profit your trade was worth when they froze it you would either get that and monetary return or your trade will be free to trade come Monday now if I'm wrong I'm sorry but I don't think I am just a little insight my opinion
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