holding 2000 shares w avg. 5.70 until we get AMC to my Value and that is 29.50. will not sell any less..... look at NIO Big Day Monday.
FirstStrike Veteran
who said anything about 5 k. I said wash sale and if you don't know what that is you better learn before buying back in so quick.
FirstStrike Veteran : And then you have a wash sale and good luck with that.
AllSeeingGuy FirstStrike Veteran : Agreed. HOOOOOOLD!!
dmance : It might get back there after the pump. No time soon
70879034 : I bought in at 5.88 n still holding. 10 is nothing. Pointless to me. But aye feel free
Nektar OP : 5 k share is not small change for me
Nektar OP Nektar OP : not greedy
LegitGetsMoney77 : holding 2000 shares w avg. 5.70 until we get AMC to my Value and that is 29.50. will not sell any less..... look at NIO Big Day Monday.
FirstStrike Veteran Nektar OP : who said anything about 5 k. I said wash sale and if you don't know what that is you better learn before buying back in so quick.