$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ stop saying when the bounce wil...
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$stop saying when the bounce will happen. Gme took weeks to bounce back, they aren't just shooting it up they are trying to make us sell off and lose interest will all the fake headlines and "updates" about it. Just ride it until it pops and that's when it'll happen. No set time or date. As long as we hold its up to them to set it off.
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All data supports the squeeze. If it's not up hour before close tomorrow I'm selling 100%. Same trend as Tilrays squeeze too. Has to do with inflated option market. 144000 options expired in the money last Friday. The shares hedge funds borrowed from market makers to sell short are needed to fill options the naked options MMs sold. Shady business between the two. They are being called back. They have until 530pm. Data supports gradual climb afterhours with explosion Wednesday due to gamma squeeze happening as the rising price from closing short positions to fill options hits normal market hours Wednesday. Market makers rush to delta hedge their out of the money options as price gets closer to in the money.
This happened with Tesla, GME, and Tilray. Probably could find more. Their squeezes correlated with the Tuesday deadline. If it doesn't happen tomorrow it means they've learned from their mistakes with other stocks and found a way to minimize damage. The hedges already lost its just a matter of how bad.
XQJ-37 : If I had a share for every time someone said "HoLd TiLl 'X' "
Éilias Alastar McTalún OP XQJ-37 : And I'm here like "just hold it in general" lol
Biffuh : All data supports the squeeze. If it's not up hour before close tomorrow I'm selling 100%. Same trend as Tilrays squeeze too. Has to do with inflated option market. 144000 options expired in the money last Friday. The shares hedge funds borrowed from market makers to sell short are needed to fill options the naked options MMs sold. Shady business between the two. They are being called back. They have until 530pm. Data supports gradual climb afterhours with explosion Wednesday due to gamma squeeze happening as the rising price from closing short positions to fill options hits normal market hours Wednesday. Market makers rush to delta hedge their out of the money options as price gets closer to in the money.
This happened with Tesla, GME, and Tilray. Probably could find more. Their squeezes correlated with the Tuesday deadline. If it doesn't happen tomorrow it means they've learned from their mistakes with other stocks and found a way to minimize damage. The hedges already lost its just a matter of how bad.