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$Rocket (RKT.US)$ where y'all at now??? exactly a lot of us ...

$Rocket(RKT.US)$ where y'all at now??? exactly a lot of us tried to tell you but you fall for obvious shills like "Jaymomie" you aren't made for this game. get out and stay out with your broke asses. people like to talk about "DD" and check no information for themselves and then get taken for a ride like what happened today to a lot of you lol. like if you even just checked simple finance you'd see the citadel had huge buys and puts for RKT today. the fools got fleeced today for believing what some random posted without doing their own due diligence. get rekd
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  • lsNii : Yo. You can’t do anything about it bro. It’s the game, retail will always provide liquidity for the market. All you can do to help retails with a simple
    buy limit and sell limit. Oh well.
    Buy limit is 23USD and sell is 30% of the market value.
    So that’s 29USD.
    MOVE ON. YALL. NOTHING TO SEE HERE JUST Main Street having fun with penny stocks.

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack : I would like to thank rocket company for the ride from 30.00 to 42.00 per share yesterday. Dropped me off just in time to collect my 40% profit so that I could buy more shares of AMC. Mad respect ✊ Rock!

  • Jacob Kitchen : I just wanna say I think I commented on your post earlier, and felt like what had been shown to me was good "DD". I looked at their revenue and I'm highly disappointed by it. So much for a solid company.  I'll keep holding the few shares I have left and hope I make my money back, doesn't matter if I lose it, but look at this.

  • Jacob Kitchen : That's trash!

  • Dead Snake OP : hey man this shit unfortunately happens, just be sure to do triple and quadruple checks on DD followed by your own follow up deep dive. and even then you still might miss something. this is a cutthroat game and not all information that you need will be available. stick around as long as you are willing to learn you'll do alright. just take this as a learning experience.

  • Ghioxies Jacob Kitchen : Rkt is the parent company of a Detroit Lon company that I’m familiar with being from there. Do all the DD you want bro when a financial institution like Melvin capital owns an outstanding 500k shares you better believe their manipulation tool for the price is very effective. It’s time to add who owns the stock and who owns the company to your DD list cause just saying you did your DD makes you seem foolish for not seeing this coming a mile away

  • Jacob Kitchen Ghioxies : Hey I learned something, didn't lose much money either. All good!

  • Jacob Kitchen Ghioxies : I actually made a bit of money on them and cashed out at 42. just made cause I bought more at 32, and it's down...

  • Jacob Kitchen Ghioxies : mad*

  • Jacob Kitchen Ghioxies : I'm gonna hold the 5 shares I own till this dividend, and see what happens, but im sure not buying more.

why are we still here...just to suffer......whooooooAAAHHHHH