Aaron McCarthy
If you even have to ask, stay far, far away. Theta is not your friend. You can thank me later.
Otherwise, strap yourself in for a university 101 level course before you even place your first options buy. Otherwise you WILL lose money. A lot of it.
You use options for leverage on a set of 100 shares via a contract. You can buy and sell naked calls and puts. Preferably with high volatility, before the exercise date. Example would be GME $800 calls 3/19. Watch the change in prices from volatility. That’s how I use options
beerwineandsunshine : Options friend options
71493200 : how do i use options?
Aaron McCarthy 71493200 : If you even have to ask, stay far, far away. Theta is not your friend.
You can thank me later.
Otherwise, strap yourself in for a university 101 level course before you even place your first options buy. Otherwise you WILL lose money. A lot of it.
BakeFace 71493200 : You use options for leverage on a set of 100 shares via a contract. You can buy and sell naked calls and puts. Preferably with high volatility, before the exercise date. Example would be GME $800 calls 3/19. Watch the change in prices from volatility. That’s how I use options
71493200 : oh, I just bought 48$ of zom, idk what else I should've done beforehand? lol
71493200 :