CLPP : Yeah pls go down down
JayLI CLPP : Down ~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!
70107480 : What the “F”
扣泥急蛙 : What is your expected price to buy?
Blaazin1 : people are buying the hell out of tsla, thatscbrcause of Cathy... let see how hard it drop in the morning.
Teachernaire : Wishful thinking . But you know it won't ..Get get the Nasdaq full book .
CLPP : Yeah pls go down down
JayLI CLPP : Down ~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!
70107480 : What the “F”
扣泥急蛙 : What is your expected price to buy?
Blaazin1 : people are buying the hell out of tsla, thatscbrcause of Cathy... let see how hard it drop in the morning.
Teachernaire : Wishful thinking . But you know it won't ..Get get the Nasdaq full book .