The shorting routine is that they have to buy them back before they can continue selling tickets. Today's turnover rate is already 50 percent lower than yesterday. All the ones that should have run away from shorting operations have very little profit margin. The cost is very high.
咻咻咻哔哔哔 OP : You guys are silly selling
arvin d : Hold it and don't sell it. Not a stupid sell-off
Vincent507 : How did you know that?
七秒后的鱼 : Just the beginning, redeem ghosts,
, think about how long it took for GME to break out for the second time.
咻咻咻哔哔哔 OP : I've been watching the trading volume for a long time
七秒后的鱼 咻咻咻哔哔哔 OP : Today's total turnover is over 30 million
咻咻咻哔哔哔 OP : The shorting routine is that they have to buy them back before they can continue selling tickets. Today's turnover rate is already 50 percent lower than yesterday. All the ones that should have run away from shorting operations have very little profit margin. The cost is very high.
七秒后的鱼 咻咻咻哔哔哔 OP : Anyway, I'm determined to hold it
钞票打印机 : So when is it time to read the bottom? Can you say something? Any price is OK? thanks
咻咻咻哔哔哔 OP : They buy goods for a few tens of yuan and frantically scavenged goods under ten yuan.
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