This is a slow grower that got caught up in some NFTs excitement. For their actual services, they have been making a good number of purchases for their streaming services.
This includes: new streaming technology, exclusive content to their platforms, rights to show some "Big Name" content, growth in their global reach USA to India.
Their tweets about NFTs seem more like an afterthought to me. Since they(NTFs) are new and exciting, and people kept asking about it, the just rolled with it and said "sure." So they will definitely do something with NFTs, but ehat is anyone's guess at the moment.
The NFT portion is only speculation on my end, but beyond that, they appear to have a solid direction they are headed.
Not advising, but those are my reasons to hold a position here.
Grundelspelding : This is a slow grower that got caught up in some NFTs excitement. For their actual services, they have been making a good number of purchases for their streaming services.
This includes: new streaming technology, exclusive content to their platforms, rights to show some "Big Name" content, growth in their global reach USA to India.
Their tweets about NFTs seem more like an afterthought to me. Since they(NTFs) are new and exciting, and people kept asking about it, the just rolled with it and said "sure." So they will definitely do something with NFTs, but ehat is anyone's guess at the moment.
The NFT portion is only speculation on my end, but beyond that, they appear to have a solid direction they are headed.
Not advising, but those are my reasons to hold a position here.