The city of Oakland, Calif., has just launched a universal basic income program, providing low-income families $500 per month, with absolutely no strings attached regarding how they must spend it. Unless you aren’t eligible for the program because you’re white. it is the first program to limit participation strictly to Black, Indigenous and people of color communities. So, if you’re poor, white, and live in Oakland, California, you still gotta check your privilege because… white supremacy… I guess? having a race-based requirement is racist no matter how you look at it. Imagine if a privately funded UBI program was limited to white families. Wouldn’t that be racist? Of course, it would! Looks like the new American motto is “Just suck it, and be poor, because you’re white.”
AllSeeingGuy : speechless.
cockNTail : good idea. they gotta get a part of that 3 trillion dollar tax cut per year that no one seemed to know how to pay for.
JP88 : Pretty sure this isn't what MLK envisioned. Nuts.
Mcsnacks H Tupack OP : I am not a racist. I am against every form of racism and segregation, every form of discrimination. I believe in human beings, and that all human beings should be respected as such, regardless of their color.