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This is a war the American people must win.

The American Left and its wholly owned subsidiary, the Democrat party, has declared war on America by openly and ruthlessly attacking American society, its norms and foundational principles. While they previously had been somewhat restrained in their efforts to transform the nation, any pretense of subtlety has now been abandoned. Consequently, their asinine and self-indulgent theories and totalitarian tactics are on display for all to see. Yet this coterie of the credulous does not grasp the irrational absurdity of many of their cultural and societal pronouncements. Now that they control Congress and have a questionably elected and addled dissembler in the White House, these jaw-dropping policies are center stage. It is little wonder that an increasingly flabbergasted citizenry, as well as many nations throughout the world, are beginning to question what sort of future is in store for the United States.The cornerstone, foundation and primary weapon of the left’s war on America is to berate the nation for its supposed never-ending and irredeemable racism. An iniquity which they claim seeps through every pore of nearly 70% of the population. Thus, these wannabe autocrats are framing virtually everything in American life and society with fictional “systemic racism” and its corollary “white supremacy.” Yet their declared solution to this imaginary national stain is the promulgation of renewed racism. Every despot in modern times has isolated and targeted a specific group of people as apocalyptic threats to their nation and thus censorship and denial of free speech for the citizenry becomes mandatory to “save” the country. The militant adherents of Fascism and Communism were particularly adept at this practice.   While deliberately fomenting racism and instituting censorship on a massive scale reveals the megalomaniacal nature of America’s newest and most dangerous threat, the Democrat party, their treatment of women exposes the irrational absurdity of the movement as a whole.For centuries women have fought to be recognized for their abilities and worth as independent and full-fledged citizens, meriting respect and equal protection under the law. Women in America have, more so than any other nation on earth, achieved that status. However, the radical left and the Democrat party have chosen to promote and mainstream transgenderism, another vehicle to undermine the Judeo-Christian basis of the founding of the nation and American society.Recently the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives passed a bill euphemistically entitled the Equity Act which would lead to the death of virtually all the rights women have fought for over the past century. The radical left has chosen to allow any biological male who simply declares himself to be a woman to participate in women’s sports, have access to women’s locker rooms as well as bathrooms, be imprisoned in an all-female prison and have access to any favorable treatment or group activity involving women. In essence women would cease to exist as a distinct and irreplaceable gender. Democrat party’s self-serving mishandling of the Covid pandemic and determination to alter American society to their benefit through unfettered legal and illegal immigration is added to the above, it becomes clear that these quislings are racists and misogynists in their manipulation of the citizenry and Fascists in their tactics. The time has come for Americans of all races to snap out of their complacency and stop being played for fools and understand that the American left and the Democrat party have but one goal: to assume in perpetuity the reins of power and transform the nation into a one-party hybrid socialist state. They do not care if someone is African American, Hispanic, Asian, or White as long as they can manipulate these groups by pitting one against the other. They are ruthless in their tactics and determined to prevail.
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  • NE1else : I generally like what u have to say man. On stocks anyway... Do you think this is the right platform for these ideas? I know you don’t get any opposition here, and maybe that encourages you to post ever increasingly political comments. I personally wish you would stick to the market, and keep your own political views out. But that’s just me. You do whatever you think is appropriate

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack OP : I figure people knowing what is going on around them May let them decide to stay in the market or out of it. All this turmoil isn’t random. It has deeper meanings. I feel like giving out stock advice is encouraging them to stay invested or invest more and I can’t do that with a clear conscience without pointing out the turmoil going on around the world that at any moment can crash the market permanently or for a few months. But I have i have no political side, I trust neither side in government. I do know it’s more severe when 1 party has totalitarian control over it. But I’ll try to stick to stocks more.

  • NE1else : I like intelligent conversation wherever it happens. And I appreciate your point of view. I don’t want to discourage you from posting your thoughts.