GetMeABeerDude : GTFO hedge funder.
70218073 OP : $25 an ounce when it should be at $5000. buy physical.
JL4hunnit20 : no u
71689943 : no thanks shill
Jacob Kitchen : lmao no, silvers price is totally manipulated just like aluminum
Jacob Kitchen : Goldman Sachs over here
70218073 OP Jacob Kitchen : I wonder why the banks would manipulate silver?
GetMeABeerDude : GTFO hedge funder.
70218073 OP : $25 an ounce when it should be at $5000. buy physical.
JL4hunnit20 : no u
71689943 : no thanks shill
Jacob Kitchen : lmao no, silvers price is totally manipulated just like aluminum
Jacob Kitchen : Goldman Sachs over here
70218073 OP Jacob Kitchen : I wonder why the banks would manipulate silver?