May I ask, without get penalized for not knowing, what does setting your limit order at that price really do? Do they really want to buy or is this scare tactics?
it's pretty much like setting your shares to the side and saying these shares can't be touched unless I'm paid this much for these shares. If they are touched (borrowed aka leveraged) they have to pay up that price. Set the price high and they likely won't borrow your shares they'll just borrow those who either haven't set a limit or if they have, the target price is cheap in their eyes.
JL4hunnit20 : dark mode is so much nicer
GentleMomma : Mine is set at $999,999 Because no one is borrowing my shares!
Theraynoldo JL4hunnit20 :
Pompay_Up90 OP GentleMomma : should I do that lol?
MisterJ420 : lol
Tryingtobe MisterJ420 : May I ask, without get penalized for not knowing, what does setting your limit order at that price really do? Do they really want to buy or is this scare tactics?
Pompay_Up90 OP Tryingtobe : it's pretty much like setting your shares to the side and saying these shares can't be touched unless I'm paid this much for these shares. If they are touched (borrowed aka leveraged) they have to pay up that price. Set the price high and they likely won't borrow your shares they'll just borrow those who either haven't set a limit or if they have, the target price is cheap in their eyes.
Pompay_Up90 OP : if they do borrow your shares they are likely leveraging our own shares against us so might as well set limits high
BrassMonkey : i am a little confused how do you set the limit just learning please be kind thank you i want to do well
JEFFE : To set a limit sell your shares for 1000
Hit trade and execute a sale for your desired price