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Sharp decline in WallStreetBets traffic has begun. It is now a fad.

Volumes by reddit/retail traders has been declining since the middle of February. What is behind the dropoff in retail participation? Simple: the opportunity to engage in other, more social activites. Over the last few months, call volumes have been inversely correlated with indicators of reopening, with volumes rising as stay-at-home activity rose and falling as reopening gathered pace. Said otherwise, the economic reopening is bad news for continued gamma squeezes. As reddit/retail investors have other things to do, the attention focused on the equity market has started its fade. This week also saw the first outflow from US equity funds (-$10bn) in 7 weeks, after averaging $23bn a week since early February. $AMC Entertainment(AMC.US)$ $GameStop(GME.US)$
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  • BigBallinBallss : Hold Strong Primate Brethren 🦍🦍🦍 Don't Let Heal Cloud Your Mind

  • MisterJ420 BigBallinBallss : I totally agree. I would call attention to the decline in people checking their reddit or investments as often, as they know it a waiting game. looking every ten minutes will drive you mad. hold what you got on amc and gme. the margin call dominoes are about to fall my ape brothers! Mr Tendieman upstairs says our wait is very soon gonna be over. too much exposure is bad for Wall St. They gotta end this but have to figure out how and who is gonna take shitadels place bro... they have the equipment needed to run things lol

  • duckmn56 : fascinating you mean the outflow didn't occur because of the 20 billion dollar margin call?

  • 71556154 : sounds like his hands are turning into paper

  • MisterJ420 : guys I know this dude reads a massive amount of info, and by no means has paper hands. I get caught up in the wrong chap at times too. Why you think he posted!? Needs  🦍 encouragement, not hate! @Tupack mcsnacks I appreciate your time to read deeper my man, but I'll remind you that you are a 💎👐🦍. Don't hurt us all by selling!

  • eccomoo : even without the squeeze this stock could see anywhere from 15 to 35 this year. volume has decreased as more and more are simply holding. the rest are shorting us or just pattern trading. we are on everyone's radar now though so when we spike we will spike good. everytime this goes up slightly people are going to jump in thinking is this the squeeze??  hold here if you want to pattern trade do so on koss.

  • eccomoo : he is not an ape, he is an experienced trader who is buying and selling at every dip and spike. at least his previous comments would indicate that.

  • duckmn56 eccomoo : likely playing both sides from what I have seen since Jan.

  • MisterJ420 : when have you seen a post of doing that on amc and gme? his posts are all over the market as an as you say, experienced trader, should. but this is the first I see about wsb trailing off. hey @Tupack mcsnacks, can we get a glimpse? I hold 48 amc and 6.x gme... x being the tiny fraction on public l

  • MisterJ420 eccomoo : 👀👈👉👀 been knowing your stance.. mine is posted lol!

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