Gme is not going to be worth millions a share prove me wrong.
$GameStop (GME.US)$im tired of you autists constntly making baseless claims if you have ANYTHING to say involving research and you dont link it youre a fucking incel. prove me wrong im sitting here waiting. not a shill and in no way affiliated with a hedgefund im 22 fucking years old but you guys are so wrapped up in this cult that you think anyone who wajts reason or rational is a shill to try and acheive what? im asking you extra chromies to tel me where this information you have is from and if you verified it yourself or took another retards word from it from WSB GME OR super stonk lol you guys need to really pull together and do real research or end in penury
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Here is the best piece of evidence from my research. A picture is worth 1000 words! $$GameStop (GME.US)$ can’t stop... WON’T STOP!! My diamond hands aren’t afraid of you whatsoever... Instead, without your research backing up your claim above... You just proved all of our diamond hands as being correct. Thanks buddy! Tell Kenny G that the apes are blasting off to the moon real soon PS… Sorry about your job and that is the only sincere thing I can say to you at this moment. I’ll be praying for you. Bless your heart
Everyone can have there own biased opionion don’t gotta be a negative Nancy haha I’ve seen many of analyst saying gme could hit 1000$ a share
Anyone saying this stock will hit a million or more per share is just delusional. The hype was fun for a while but now it’s just sad to see people getting sucked into the echo chamber.
GentleMomma : Here is the best piece of evidence from my research. A picture is worth 1000 words!
$$GameStop (GME.US)$ can’t stop... WON’T STOP!! My diamond hands aren’t afraid of you whatsoever... Instead, without your research backing up your claim above... You just proved all of our diamond hands as being
correct. Thanks buddy! Tell Kenny G that the apes are blasting off to the moon real soon
PS… Sorry about your job and that is the only sincere thing I can say to you at this moment. I’ll be praying for you. Bless your heart 
Shremp : everyone got their own DD. you just have to do your own.
stonktrader25 : Everyone can have there own biased opionion don’t gotta be a negative Nancy haha I’ve seen many of analyst saying gme could hit 1000$ a share
BuyHighSellHigher : Some1 just went full retard hahahhahahahaha
Sinthetic : It's not my job to find DD for you. If you want to paper hand I'll take them.
SnoringBitty : Anyone saying this stock will hit a million or more per share is just delusional. The hype was fun for a while but now it’s just sad to see people getting sucked into the echo chamber.
Ghioxies OP BuyHighSellHigher : Bet
Ghioxies OP SnoringBitty : Exactly. Thank you someone has rational thoughts.
Ghioxies OP Paul Michigan : Trump supporter?
I hate politics and favor neither party but okay grasping at straws much?
Paul Michigan Ghioxies OP : lol y'all are in an echo chamber
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