Hey y’all! I have been using MooMoo for a little over a year now (possibly longer) I use the mobile app for iphone and windows desktop. The feature I stumbled upon was on desktop and its indicator management. It gives a description of the indicator as well as how to use the indicator. I’ll put steps below. There are also great people that use this platform and offer great information. Always willing to help. Goooo Moooo!@Army Veteran@Chart guy@midknight@moomoo Lily@moomoo Event@OfficerTruth@OldNormanBates@Tupack mcsnacks@Treydon Gui@Team moomoo@TheStockScalpers 1. Right click chart and select chart management
2. click indicator management
3. Click indicator introduction
4. Scroll down and it provides tips on how to use the indicator
Good luck, Mooers!
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only.
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Mcsnacks H Tupack : Ms. Bee look up your badges and it tells you the exact amount of days you have been on here. Hello another hidden egg.
NykB OP Mcsnacks H Tupack : Thanks!! 218th day
Mcsnacks H Tupack NykB OP : I know one thing, I have started getting the feeling as if I work for FUTU. Strictly pro Bono tho.
NykB OP Mcsnacks H Tupack : I recommend those free services! Your one of the first people I tag to answer my questions

Thanks for your service