don't freakin know,I'm getting pissed off at the market, not ZOM yet..But might have to make it a Long Term Hold and put it on my other account so I don't look at it each hour of the day...
For God's sake COACH ONB.... asking if the killing is over while dealing with a veterinarian stock (toilet flushes holding a empty fishbowl)....hahaha hahaha... too funny .... I hope it is though because I can't counterfeit pocket change if it goes any lower... hahaha
Moneymonkeysays : ON I can't seem to pick the right spot noatter how I try. every time I buy these things go down. what's the deal...?
OldNormanBates OP Moneymonkeysays : don't freakin know,I'm getting pissed off at the market, not ZOM yet..But might have to make it a Long Term Hold and put it on my other account so I don't look at it each hour of the day...
Moneymonkeysays OldNormanBates OP : I hear ya
duckmn56 : yeah, being down 40% now on zom I'll be holding until the ship sinks or it goes up.
DEADSEED1111 : For God's sake COACH ONB.... asking if the killing is over while dealing with a veterinarian stock (toilet flushes holding a empty fishbowl)....hahaha hahaha... too funny .... I hope it is though because I can't counterfeit pocket change if it goes any lower... hahaha
OldNormanBates OP DEADSEED1111 : makin me have a gut laugh