plus their not even creating new shares. just giving the specific employees the option. They would have to hold for 3 years and then the options expire after 10 years from what I saw in the form.
I personally think it's just somebody that took their shares and sold them so that they can either buy a house, a boat out some other rich guy toy. I don't think it has anything to do with the overall health or activity of the stock itself.
except it states number of shares ACQUIRED, and clearly lays out the std options timing. If an executive sold it would say shares executed or sold.
Jesus is lord : can u explain please i don't know how to read these
duckmn56 : looks like they gave some stock options to employees. not sure why anyone would think thats a problem.
PlowMan duckmn56 : Dilutes the stock. but it has still more to do with public (trader) sentiment than anything.
duckmn56 PlowMan : somehow 58k shares are going to dilute a stock with 950 million shares. nope. this has nothing to do with the drop in price.
duckmn56 : plus their not even creating new shares. just giving the specific employees the option. They would have to hold for 3 years and then the options expire after 10 years from what I saw in the form.
Moneymonkeysays : I personally think it's just somebody that took their shares and sold them so that they can either buy a house, a boat out some other rich guy toy. I don't think it has anything to do with the overall health or activity of the stock itself.
bigdude71 : whats the problem?
duckmn56 Moneymonkeysays : except it states number of shares ACQUIRED, and clearly lays out the std options timing. If an executive sold it would say shares executed or sold.
Sukapii OP : I enjoy sharing these things as it opens constructive conversations instead of the typical #lossporn
Moneymonkeysays duckmn56 : okay well I'm really just saying I don't think this has anything to do with the stocks behavior.
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