ZoryaLuhansk : Any thoughts on the next few weeks? PR didn’t move anything today
OldNormanBates OP ZoryaLuhansk : Patience..if ZOM can do it,then CTRM can rise up from the Dead Too
ZoryaLuhansk OldNormanBates OP : Hopefully. 1.30 average is nasty. And that’s been with buying all the dips for months from 1.50+
OldNormanBates OP ZoryaLuhansk : I Made money today with avg 1.12
ZoryaLuhansk OldNormanBates OP : How did you make money with a 1.12 average? TOPS and SHIP went 10+ today and CTRM lost a lot. This is insanity.
OldNormanBates OP ZoryaLuhansk : it ran up to 1.15 before AH
ZoryaLuhansk OldNormanBates OP : For ZOM?
OldNormanBates OP ZoryaLuhansk : the discussion had flipped to ZOM BTW
ZoryaLuhansk : Oh I was still talking about my averages from CTRM lol
ZoryaLuhansk : Any thoughts on the next few weeks? PR didn’t move anything today
OldNormanBates OP ZoryaLuhansk : Patience..if ZOM can do it,then CTRM can rise up from the Dead Too
ZoryaLuhansk OldNormanBates OP : Hopefully. 1.30 average is nasty. And that’s been with buying all the dips for months from 1.50+
OldNormanBates OP ZoryaLuhansk : I Made money today with avg 1.12
ZoryaLuhansk OldNormanBates OP : How did you make money with a 1.12 average? TOPS and SHIP went 10+ today and CTRM lost a lot. This is insanity.
OldNormanBates OP ZoryaLuhansk : it ran up to 1.15 before AH
ZoryaLuhansk OldNormanBates OP : For ZOM?
OldNormanBates OP ZoryaLuhansk : the discussion had flipped to ZOM BTW
ZoryaLuhansk : Oh I was still talking about my averages from CTRM lol