Issuing additional stocks is dead, so let's run fast. 153 is probably equal to 4 shares to 10 shares not 1 share 153. As soon as others get it, they throw out targeted increases, which is a bit better because there is a time limit, you can't sell it right away. Will it fall tomorrow
102746587 : I'm messed up, what's the point of this 153? Do you have this ticket and can you sell it back at this price?
71597768 : Issuing additional stocks is dead, so let's run fast. 153 is probably equal to 4 shares to 10 shares not 1 share 153. As soon as others get it, they throw out targeted increases, which is a bit better because there is a time limit, you can't sell it right away. Will it fall tomorrow
lokithebabu OP : Is it crazy, 153 4-8 shares... One wave is only 15-40
lokithebabu OP : Then die and die, which ads are you buying
applefansg 102746587 : Not a good sign for hair growth
Wait a few days and see before supplementing