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$SGX (S68.SG)$ Hello, I'm new. Any advices for trading stoc...

Hello, I'm new. Any advices for trading stocks? Thanks!
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  • xkuanx : Buy a good stock and need a lot of patience ...

  • dedpul OP xkuanx : So it's just the same like Forex right?

  • JamesXie : Power

  • NNDM加油 : 🤔

  • 102356147 xkuanx : I don’t know which stock is a good stock can you advice

  • Trumpstera 102356147 : Tsla

  • iCornan : Many people will just tell you to buy a good and hold . So I decided to share slightly detail on advice in the simplest way  .

    First decide if you are
    ‘Short Term investor’ or ‘Long term investor’
    Short term by means to trade in 2-3 years or 3-10 years or more for long term.

    1.Do more research on the stock that you’re picking up. Check the growth statistic years / months . Everyday read AT LEAST ONE news regarding the stock that you’re interested in . Try to ask yourself back how do you see this company will grow in another 10 years .
    •Example It’s like you’re going to fruit farms to see what you want to plant . Even before you done this you must need to have slightly what kind of soil , how’s the humidity , weather or seasons . Those are what we called knowledge . No need to be very PRO but basic understanding is a must . No one will prefer to invest in something they don’t even know what is it . Trade on your own don’t bother to follow public . Everyone has different strategies to trade . Too many stocks you CANT OWNED THEM ALL . If you’re super rich otherwise ...

    2. See more comments sometimes you will found out more news that you might missed .
    •Example It’s like you go around the farm neighbourhood to check out anything that you missed out in case .

    3. First Time usually go for ETF . What is so good about ETF ? •Example Imagine if you’re going into a fruit shop . There a more than 100 types of fruit and you’re not sure what to choose . So the seller cut each and abit and pack all into a bag for you . That bag is what it called ETF . You buy ETF = you get a little bit of more than 100 company’s including some big shot like AAPL etc . Definitely a keepers.

    4. REITs . More like property investment . Means You buy a company REITs in a certain area and you’re collecting rental every month . REITs basically means = you’re part of landlord .
    •Example You invested in a market near your farm . Every landlord will helps you to collect rental from each stall selling fruits and you just sit and collect the payment monthly .

    5. GOLD . Same thing but it just that it’s transparent unless you buy real physical gold and keep.

    6. There are some stock company that pays out dividend (Anually/Quarterly/Monthly) for example AAPL is paying quarterly . Next round will be on May . There are many website you can check for what company is paying out dividend and PLEASE LOOK OUT for (EX-DATE) .

    7. As long as you buy stocks before exdate . Even last minute you bought it will also be entitled with dividend . I strongly suggest that you keep your AAPL share .

    8. How to check how much you get for dividend ? divide the annual dividends paid per share by the price per share. The more people invested , the more AAPL earns , the more you get .

    8. Be Patience and don’t let emotion takes over you . It’s okay if sometimes you lose abit . From my inexperience last time I lost about 7k . Always be open minded .

    9. Continue to work a living . Don’t take this as your full time job . Go outside and learn a skill . It may helps you in the future . Sometimes we just never know what will happen on the next day .

    Now if anyone find this helpful just give me a like . Cheers and good luck !!

  • 31dragon iCornan : Great basic sharing with your efforts.

  • JamesXie : Tesla

  • dedpul OP iCornan : NICE! Thank you for the advice

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