Getting farther along now, but if you can get in at 11 or under, 14 is near term target.. It will potentially go higher than that over Time. Some people say as much as 45 longer term, 1year IMHO possible.. It's still up to you.. Every Day you wait is one day of less potential profits.. Make your mind up.
Bigdayday414 : You are in alot of good stocks old man. I been learning a lot from you and I just wanna say thank you
CharlesT : Hi! May I asking that currently still is the good point to buy in OCGN stock??
dezelous : yup the direct offering closing so do expect the shares price go go up more.
OldNormanBates OP Bigdayday414 : Thank you so much for the sentiment.
OldNormanBates OP CharlesT : Getting farther along now, but if you can get in at 11 or under, 14 is near term target.. It will potentially go higher than that over Time. Some people say as much as 45 longer term, 1year IMHO possible.. It's still up to you.. Every Day you wait is one day of less potential profits.. Make your mind up.
劉洧綸 : wow nice
FOX0 : In the trenches. I’m sold on the hold- above the barb is home.