Greenback Stocks
even my optimism is dropping faster than elp. may be time to take the hit and move on. held on for two months and this is stalled. anyone bought before apr 1 got shaft. majority of shares got bought at 1.10 right after dividend and this has been stuck between 1.10-1.13. so most short term investors cost is at 5.50. so they all got .50/share profit after RS. but us that gone through both splits and last dividend, we got screwed.
Greenback Stocks
2020 year end was great but it didn't do much on the stock. I don't see 1qtr be any better. they released today a market gain 2.6% but stock still dropped
emitchell : and so it begins to the moon
Greenback Stocks OP emitchell : even my optimism is dropping faster than elp. may be time to take the hit and move on. held on for two months and this is stalled. anyone bought before apr 1 got shaft. majority of shares got bought at 1.10 right after dividend and this has been stuck between 1.10-1.13. so most short term investors cost is at 5.50. so they all got .50/share profit after RS. but us that gone through both splits and last dividend, we got screwed.
emitchell :
emitchell : it might go up but tomorrow is going to be the DAY. I
Greenback Stocks OP emitchell : what leads you to that conclusion?
Greenback Stocks OP emitchell : after market is down another .08. it's time to exit. seems we lost support at 1.12/5.60
emitchell : I am running it they exit tomorrow. it is a risk but I think it going
emitchell : been reading alot of the paperwork being filed and seems to me that they will trade stocks or pay. plus this pic
Greenback Stocks OP : 2020 year end was great but it didn't do much on the stock. I don't see 1qtr be any better. they released today a market gain 2.6% but stock still dropped
emitchell Greenback Stocks OP : and they big players have not got out yet.
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