Have any of you experienced moo-timers noticed the increase in short yes-or-no type questions, like the ones being posted up this morning? And are there moo-derators actively moo-derating the moo feed?
not much moo-deration occurs here, a pretty open society so far, with Personal help keeping any riff-raf in their closets. Reporting of badMoos does occur from time to time, by using the tag in the upper right corner (Report). The little surveys are normal, and typically thrown out by Sperienced Mood IMHO... Good Societal Action So Far, and I've been here for about a year now...
OldNormanBates : Yes it does, annnnd Will do it again and again!
Gwapo956 : So is it a good or a bad buy???
Machiavellis3rdEye : Have any of you experienced moo-timers noticed the increase in short yes-or-no type questions, like the ones being posted up this morning? And are there moo-derators actively moo-derating the moo feed?
OldNormanBates : picked up some at 0.897 today from the sluff off MVIS profit I didn't expect yet..
OldNormanBates Machiavellis3rdEye : not much moo-deration occurs here, a pretty open society so far, with Personal help keeping any riff-raf in their closets. Reporting of badMoos does occur from time to time, by using the tag in the upper right corner (Report). The little surveys are normal, and typically thrown out by Sperienced Mood IMHO... Good Societal Action So Far, and I've been here for about a year now...