70546093 : Are you in for the long term? Do you expect it to raise in the short term?
70183820 : im in too
BLUGHOST RELENTLESS OP 70546093 : I'm in for as long as it doesn't start diving
70546093 : I don’t see anything on the horizon that could work for them I in the near term. May be a split
BLUGHOST RELENTLESS OP 70546093 : Split would be lovely
70183820 BLUGHOST RELENTLESS OP : hope they will announce after market today lol
70546093 : Are you in for the long term?
Do you expect it to raise in the short term?
70183820 : im in too
BLUGHOST RELENTLESS OP 70546093 : I'm in for as long as it doesn't start diving
70546093 : I don’t see anything on the horizon that could work for them I in the near term. May be a split

BLUGHOST RELENTLESS OP 70546093 : Split would be lovely
70183820 BLUGHOST RELENTLESS OP : hope they will announce after market today lol