What's New: Crypto currency quotes in PC 11.5 update
I Overview of new features
1. [New] Support exporting position and order records.
2. [New] Crypto currency quote is now available.
3. [New] US Lv2 Long-Short Distribution Chart.
4. [New] US Stock CBOE Bats & Direct Edge LV2.
5. [New] Treasury yields data.
II Introduction of new features
1. [New] Support exporting position and order records. Entry: Trade Tab - Positions / Orders / History window, and on the upper right corner of the window. Introduction: Support exporting position and order records to csv file.
2. [New] Crypto currency quote is now available. Entry: Markets - Crypto, or search directly. Introduction: We support to view quotes of over 80 mainstream cryptocurrencies.
3. [New] US Lv2 Long-Short Distribution Chart. Entry: Quotes - Order Book - Depth Chart. Introduction: The Depth Chart shows the orderbook and the aggregate order volume at the corresponding price. Through the Chart, you can see the strength comparison of buyers and sellers.
4. [New] US Stock CBOE Bats & Direct Edge LV2. Entry: Quotes - Order Book - Depth Chart - Bats & Direct Edge. Introduction: Support the Order Book of Bats and Direct Edge.
5. [New] Treasury yields data. Entry: Markets - Bonds or search treasury notes directly. Introduction: Provide quotes for US 10 Year Treasury Notes Yields, etc.
III Upgrade method and feedback
1. Upgrade method Settings - Software update.
2. Feedback For clients in the US, please send emails to cs@futurade.com. For clients in SG, please send emails to clientservice@futusg.com. Or, you can leave a comment directly in the moo community.
Disclaimer: Moomoo Technologies Inc. is providing this content for information and educational use only.
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Knulp : Cryptos!!!
TYS78 : Wow!
Barren Wuffet :