Doesn't matter, you end up with same total amount of money in the position at the end of the day. If you own 100 shares today at 0.350 =35dollars, Tomorrow Open Bell you will own 10 shares at 3.50 = 35dollars.Pumping it up doesn't have really any change.
70178166 : 10 to 1
student otg : it's in the news feed
Shanerk OP student otg : i know its a 10 to 1 reverse split. Im asking if there is a target per share price after they initiate the split.
If its in the news feed somewhere im completely missing it but ill look again
71409556 Shanerk OP : price will be whatever price is at close today times ten
Shanerk OP : ugh.. thats what i though. PRAY FOR A PUMP
71409556 71409556 : so as of now I guess you could say target is around 3.60-3.70
Shanerk OP : ugh...thats what i thought. PRAY FOR A PUMP
OldNormanBates Shanerk OP : Doesn't matter, you end up with same total amount of money in the position at the end of the day. If you own 100 shares today at 0.350 =35dollars, Tomorrow Open Bell you will own 10 shares at 3.50 = 35dollars.Pumping it up doesn't have really any change.