thisgoodsober : Sure!
Minion 888 : Confirm possible
Calim OP thisgoodsober : gogogo!!!!
Edmund Poh : just hang on and you will be rewarded
Calim OP Edmund Poh : Awarded already!
Calim OP Minion 888 : yup. just went past.
101510741 : 32 !!!
Calim OP 101510741 : possible???
thisgoodsober : Sure!
Minion 888 : Confirm possible
Calim OP thisgoodsober : gogogo!!!!
Edmund Poh : just hang on and you will be rewarded
Calim OP Edmund Poh : Awarded already!
Calim OP Minion 888 : yup. just went past.
101510741 : 32 !!!
Calim OP 101510741 : possible???