102124658 : good
自由美好 : The same goes for Alibaba, the Hong Kong stock market; I'm always on the protracted line
geshen516 OP 自由美好 : I accidentally sold it, bought it before opening on Friday, sold on Tuesday
自由美好 geshen516 OP : Well, that's fine. Just find the right price and get back in. I usually go for the long term with blue chips
102124658 : good
自由美好 : The same goes for Alibaba, the Hong Kong stock market; I'm always on the protracted line
geshen516 OP 自由美好 : I accidentally sold it, bought it before opening on Friday, sold on Tuesday
自由美好 geshen516 OP : Well, that's fine. Just find the right price and get back in. I usually go for the long term with blue chips