GH7788 : this's the garbage
102516968 : when it wants to go up, doe is not matter garbage or meme:)
geoscience OP 102516968 : Ok I will waitKinda out of patienceMay cash it out for loading amc
SteelPlague : Yeah Sell SOS at the bottom and buy AMC at the peak...
102516968 102516968 : True
102516968 geoscience OP : I am out, sold at 17.80.
GH7788 : this's the garbage
102516968 : when it wants to go up, doe is not matter garbage or meme:)
geoscience OP 102516968 : Ok I will wait
Kinda out of patience
May cash it out for loading amc
SteelPlague : Yeah Sell SOS at the bottom and buy AMC at the peak...
102516968 102516968 : True
102516968 geoscience OP : I am out, sold at 17.80.