$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ hi noob here. I sold my apple s...
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$hi noob here. I sold my apple share. message came and stated sold already. but doesn't reflect when I want to withdraw cash. any idea? I want to use the money to buy AMC
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Withdraw via forex back to sg ac to withdraw back to sg account cannot yet. Need wait for full settlement (t+3). If wan buy US stocks like amc, u not transferring out, then can buy immediately. No need wait for settlement
ahliao : Just buy, doesn’t matter
Mas_Inos : You should see balance in your US margin account
Ghost512 : you should see the fund details if there is available cash
Invested_1M : I think u can buy immediately aft u sold ur apple
Invested_1M : Don’t need wait much
小买怡情 大买养家庭 : Sell the Apple, and your money still can buy stock. But if for withdraw its take up to 5 days to process
twh62 : You can buy
Cathy CLX : No need withdrawal, just buy.
user1528 : Withdraw via forex back to sg ac to withdraw back to sg account cannot yet. Need wait for full settlement (t+3). If wan buy US stocks like amc, u not transferring out, then can buy immediately. No need wait for settlement