it's crazy, I know. just stay strong and hold. don't sell for a loss. especially when the hedge funds are manipulating it.
solidarity comes to mind, i am stretched thin but will hold, because this is the new line of digital warfare... and I and stand tall next to a brother or sister
RageAndLove : I admit I’m a newbie and my hearts racing!
RockinIT : We'll come back for u!
GetMeABeerDude RageAndLove : it's crazy, I know. just stay strong and hold. don't sell for a loss. especially when the hedge funds are manipulating it.
MisterJ420 : when in doubt zoom out and hodl!
RageAndLove GetMeABeerDude : Thank you. That helped.
drayco007 : u good...i hold for you if you hold for me. this strangely is about more than just
drayco007 : solidarity comes to mind, i am stretched thin but will hold, because this is the new line of digital warfare... and I and stand tall next to a brother or sister