牛牛不爱熊熊 : i also dont know..... i was losing more than 20% earlier... lol
Flaming Deals OP 牛牛不爱熊熊 : I lost 50% HAHA I bought at 71:(
Kuo董 : Me too. But I scared if I sleep now.. Tml wake up will get a shock
Flaming Deals OP Kuo董 : I guess we’ll have to pull an all nighter today then
JLow8999 :
牛牛不爱熊熊 : i also dont know..... i was losing more than 20% earlier... lol
Flaming Deals OP 牛牛不爱熊熊 : I lost 50% HAHA I bought at 71:(
Kuo董 : Me too. But I scared if I sleep now.. Tml wake up will get a shock
Flaming Deals OP Kuo董 : I guess we’ll have to pull an all nighter today then
JLow8999 :