Tanya C : and yet public sentiment is negative numbers lol
drayco007 : warriors.... come out to playay!!!
Fyrestorm Tanya C : Don't worry...the public doesn't understand ape mentality. Watched news coverage last night and they are mystified and don't even mention the real reasons that bind this fam together!
Tanya C Fyrestorm : that's what happens to old hedgies, their hearts dry up and crumble
Tanya C : and yet public sentiment is negative numbers lol
drayco007 : warriors.... come out to playay!!!
Fyrestorm Tanya C : Don't worry...the public doesn't understand ape mentality. Watched news coverage last night and they are mystified and don't even mention the real reasons that bind this fam together!
Tanya C Fyrestorm : that's what happens to old hedgies, their hearts dry up and crumble