Jet Bomb
buying low & long & selling high & short. tripling our positions several times over & exercising calls... my strategy has brought me to XX,XXX shares & XXX calls
Jet Bomb
I got slapped in the nuts by MP Materials 1 time... I believe we all do. Buy, on a dip, In The Money Long calls. My strategy has been buy DEEP ITM long wait for the up tripling your price & exercising 10, rinse & repeat.
HereForTheTrades : made more money off options on this meme stock than anything else
Mrsjmunoz HereForTheTrades : How?
Jet Bomb Mrsjmunoz : buying low & long & selling high & short. tripling our positions several times over & exercising calls... my strategy has brought me to XX,XXX shares & XXX calls
Mrsjmunoz Jet Bomb : I want to try it, I’ve read the course but am afraid to do it wrong. If you were going to buy 1 tomorrow what would you buy?
Jet Bomb Mrsjmunoz : I got slapped in the nuts by MP Materials 1 time... I believe we all do. Buy, on a dip, In The Money Long calls. My strategy has been buy DEEP ITM long wait for the up tripling your price & exercising 10, rinse & repeat.
Mrsjmunoz : So would you buy one tomorrow for AMC? Before things get crazy?
Jet Bomb Mrsjmunoz : I'm buying tomorrow yes
Mrsjmunoz : Can you screenshot what your order looks like?