heron3839 : symbol AMC...jus buy
102257505 OP : Buy limit? Market?
newbie investor : deposit money inside your acc and exchange currency to usd first before buying.
MeowMan : Buy market/ limit also can
102257505 OP : After converting done?
JKaer 102257505 OP : Limit and with the quantity you want. Can observe the market today, put a bit at different price tag (e.g. 50, 55). Buy at different low price so you can average your cost.Then, fasten your seat belt & fly to the moon.
Joe ma ma : Market Order - Buy stocks according to what price it is currentlyLimit Order - Buy stocks according to what price you set for the order.After you have selected either one of these options, put in how many stock you want to buy on QTY. Then press buy.
Horiyoshi X 102257505 OP : Please please go read up and know all the basics of investing at the very least.. this is not some get-rich-quick scheme..
Joe ma ma : There is a tutorial here from kelvin learns investing.https://youtu.be/fK31muVkh4o
Deceased : Pls don’t buy with margin (aka loan). Invest the amount u r willing to lose and most importantly hold even if it’s dipping pls.
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heron3839 : symbol AMC...jus buy
102257505 OP : Buy limit? Market?
newbie investor : deposit money inside your acc and exchange currency to usd first before buying.
MeowMan : Buy market/ limit also can
102257505 OP : After converting done?
JKaer 102257505 OP : Limit and with the quantity you want. Can observe the market today, put a bit at different price tag (e.g. 50, 55). Buy at different low price so you can average your cost.
Then, fasten your seat belt & fly to the moon.
Joe ma ma : Market Order - Buy stocks according to what price it is currently
Limit Order - Buy stocks according to what price you set for the order.
After you have selected either one of these options, put in how many stock you want to buy on QTY. Then press buy.
Horiyoshi X 102257505 OP : Please please go read up and know all the basics of investing at the very least.. this is not some get-rich-quick scheme..
Joe ma ma : There is a tutorial here from kelvin learns investing.
Deceased : Pls don’t buy with margin (aka loan). Invest the amount u r willing to lose and most importantly hold even if it’s dipping pls.
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