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My Apple Story

$Apple (AAPL.US)$ In 2006, when I was in my senior year of high school, I finally got my own phone, a Nokia black and white model. I think it had already been discontinued at the time; my mom left the rest for me. Nothing else has changed. I still listen to the 128m mp3, and I still like the girl in the liberal arts class. This year, I finally saved enough money to buy a CD player, but I don't want to buy a CD player anymore. There were a few people in my grade who had iPods in their hands, held headphones, shook their heads, and read words. This was a trend at the time. And this trend was hard for her to refuse; after all, it was the most popular and powerful music device at the time.
I took out all my savings and bought a 30g iPod Classic at Hailong Electronics City in the village. At that time, Apple stores in the village were already blooming everywhere. I packed the machine and accessories in a large mooncake box, took out the mooncake inside and dried it, then covered the box and secretly tucked it under her desk during the dark and windy night of the month. The next day was her 18th birthday.
In 2007, I was in my first year of college, and during the summer vacation of my senior year of high school, an old lady who was very good with my family gave me an 8g iPod Nano. I had forgotten about the last generation. I was happy for a long time because I finally got my own iPod. Back then, when Nokia dominated the mobile phone industry, my dad gave me the Nokia N73, the most popular machine king at the time. Just like that, I arrived in Chengdu with an N73 in my left hand, an iPod in my right hand, and a big bag and a small bag. At that time, I heard that in the US, many people were queuing up to buy a new Apple phone called the iPhone. At the time, they really didn't understand people's behavior. Did Apple make MP3s or phones? Can Apple phones be reliable? I looked at the N73 in my hand with a disdainful smile. To describe it in current terms, it's probably called pretense.
In 2008, in his sophomore year, Laozi's best buddy changed his phone. His parents also gave it to him, not because it's old, but because they can't use it. The name of that phone is iPhone 3G. At that time, I also changed my phone. The N73's shatter-resistant phones were all broken by me, and I was shocked by their destructive power. The phone was replaced with another Nokia N95 at the time. What I was listening to was the original iPod nano, but it was already scarred. Playing with a mule's iPhone, I said to myself that this thing is really easy to use. I've seen a touchscreen phone before, but I've never seen one that smooth. It's very comfortable to use. This is the so-called user experience.
In 2009, in my junior year, I fell in love with a microelectronic girl. She was very sweet and cute. My nano life came to an end that year. I started trading stocks that year. I bought an iPod touch with the money I earned from trading stocks. It was a relatively rare thing at the time, and I couldn't help playing it. Although the main function was to listen to songs, it was still full of pop songs. For me, music is still the background sound for sleeping and traveling, and I still don't have the ability to appreciate music. It seems like this thing is just a talent; I can't ask for it.
In 2010, junior year of college. At the beginning of the year, I learned that Apple had released a tablet. After a quick search on the internet, the conclusion was that it was a large iPod touch. I definitely won't buy this thing again if I have touch it, it's a waste! I made this judgment at the time. I still liked that microelectronics girl at the time. She had to do her postgraduate studies at the library every day, so I went to the library soy sauce every day. A person who didn't plan to do postgraduate studies went to joke with a group of people reviewing for postgraduate studies. Now I think it's a bit immoral. The iPad went on sale in China in May, and the price wasn't that high. I went to Chunxi Road's Suning with the mentality to see what it looked like. The results are easy to guess. I went back to school with the 16g iPad I had spent 5,000 yuan on. Apple's product is the same as that microelectronics girl. The first thing you see is that you want to own her. It's an irresistible beauty.
In 2011, I'm in my senior year. After the N95 broke down, of course, I didn't hesitate to switch to the iPhone 4. Everyone on the street is using it. Nokia has long since faded out of sight. Although Android has risen to prominence, the touch experience is not comparable to iOS. I found a job I was quite satisfied with this year, which of course wasn't the happiest thing for me. It was winter vacation at the time. I was doing an internship at the company. The microelectronics girl was in a remote county town in Sichuan. The other day, I bought an iPodnano from the Sanlitun Apple store. The sixth generation has redefined the nano generation. The next day I boarded a flight to Chongqing at 6 a.m. After a long bus ride, they brought Nano and the phrase “happy birthday” to her, then the flaming meteor rushed back to Beijing in the early hours of the morning.
Fate is like the wheel that shocked the world back then. If it weren't for the happiness of reaching success right away at the time, there wouldn't be the pain of getting back and forth later. Fortunately, all of this is over, and I'm about to embark on a new journey just like the Apple that lost Jobs.
Apple, an American IT company, is changing people's lives through one new product after another. At least it has made my life trajectory a little different, something else wonderful. And Steve Jobs, the person at the helm behind all of this, can overcome his old mentality but he can't overcome his relentless illness, but no matter what, he had an extremely wonderful life with ups and downs. No matter what happens in a person's life, it's worth the wonderful process rather than the perfect results. Maybe the Apple myth will come to an end, and maybe Apple's stock price will drop by a thousand or even close its doors one day, but I'll tell my grandson that there was once a great person who led a great company and changed the whole world with innovation, including your grandpa's bubble girl history. $Apple (AAPL.US)$ 
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