they will try to bring the price down but the thing is, they are selling stocks they don't have. we are buying stocks that are real and belonged to us. so the only way they can win is if we sell. which most of us are not selling. so they change tactics, they make CLOV look like its going to the moon. this, we have proof. Google "Citadel bought CLOV"
barneenee : Does an ascending short pool mean they are doubling down on us?
楊 barneenee : It means some short sellers closed their positions and returned shares to the short pool.
joybxx OP barneenee : they will try to bring the price down but the thing is, they are selling stocks they don't have. we are buying stocks that are real and belonged to us. so the only way they can win is if we sell. which most of us are not selling. so they change tactics, they make CLOV look like its going to the moon. this, we have proof. Google "Citadel bought CLOV"
K_8585 : Solidarity is strength...
Harper0202 K_8585 : Got it
Little Groot : Errr... my understanding is there are new 100k being borrowed by someone.