Ann_Doe : It will go if we hold
Huval OP Ann_Doe : No it won’t . Not every stock will just go up if you hold. Tilray is an actually valuable company whose been undervalued for a while, it’ll go up just not how you think it will
Chart guy : 500...lmao. 100 will be great profit
Huval OP Chart guy : Yea I know, but there’s a lot of people who think it’s going to 500 and I’m telling them that it won’t happen
Ann_Doe : It will go if we hold
Huval OP Ann_Doe : No it won’t . Not every stock will just go up if you hold. Tilray is an actually valuable company whose been undervalued for a while, it’ll go up just not how you think it will
Chart guy : 500...lmao. 100 will be great profit
Huval OP Chart guy : Yea I know, but there’s a lot of people who think it’s going to 500 and I’m telling them that it won’t happen