Any time can be next second, next minute, next hour next day or next week or next month or even next year.
But the longer you hold the faster it comes. If everybody holds tight and no paper hand. They have no choice but to buy at our price. As they need to pay interest for borrowing loans. And the markets do not have sufficient shares for them to covers what they borrow.
Want fast money go casino.. put all you money less than 1 min you will know lose or win.. here not suitable for shares is investment need time and patience
Following the introduction of China's groundbreaking DeepSeek technology, Wall Street giants have revised their investment outlooks for the Chinese market.
游离宝宝 : so easy but when ?
Zedx32 OP 游离宝宝 : What when?
whats up 游离宝宝 : no one know when ..just wait ..the time will come ..must be patient...
游离宝宝 Zedx32 OP : when to sell?
BearBearChen 游离宝宝 : Any time can be next second, next minute, next hour next day or next week or next month or even next year.
But the longer you hold the faster it comes. If everybody holds tight and no paper hand. They have no choice but to buy at our price. As they need to pay interest for borrowing loans.
And the markets do not have sufficient shares for them to covers what they borrow.
Zedx32 OP 游离宝宝 : Want fast money go casino.. put all you money less than 1 min you will know lose or win.. here not suitable for shares is investment need time and patience
傻妹SG : Will sell only if over 9000!
游离宝宝 Zedx32 OP : lol. like that say like no say. how to buy AMG?
voloxo : Agree how to buy AMG or Affiliated Managers Group, Inc. I think buy AMC better
Zedx32 OP 游离宝宝 : We all doing the same thing.. hold
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