I just want you all to remember that I love you all, And I know you will all do amazing.
I know all of you will either help others, or just clear debt, buy a home, buy a car because you may not have a proper way to get to work, pay it forward. And show the world how the AMC squeeze will positively impact millions.
Adam Evans
Or.... reinvest it and keep reversing the power spectrum. Don’t fall prey to the old trap, as many rich men boast... they believe they could give all of their money away and have it back within 6 months. This is based on the idea that when we get money, we waste it foolishly. Perhaps consider taking 10% profits and then investing the rest so you can take an even larger 10% profits for the rest of your life.
Adam Evans : Or.... reinvest it and keep reversing the power spectrum. Don’t fall prey to the old trap, as many rich men boast... they believe they could give all of their money away and have it back within 6 months. This is based on the idea that when we get money, we waste it foolishly. Perhaps consider taking 10% profits and then investing the rest so you can take an even larger 10% profits for the rest of your life.
supergIue : Because it will lead to millionaires among the 99% to create the changes we've long fought for as a collective.