ppl in AMC knows the hedge funds ppl will try all way out to scare ppl, but how come they come here n say different things, I just wonder...
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so who got scared by them n ran away? we are attacked by HF n ppl who scares our members here, probably they are engaged by the HF to do this, so u can sell them ur shares cheap ...
so u are saying u are under HF attack not? go do ur dd, interest paid 116% by shorters ... did shorters pay this high for AMC at this point ?
102949016 OP : so who got scared by them n ran away? we are attacked by HF n ppl who scares our members here, probably they are engaged by the HF to do this, so u can sell them ur shares cheap ...
102949016 OP : Clov ... AMC just mocked at u...
102949016 OP : many are falling into AMC trap
102949016 OP : so u are saying u are under HF attack not? go do ur dd, interest paid 116% by shorters ... did shorters pay this high for AMC at this point ?
102899586 : amc is the only one with naked shorts. apes are trying to maintain the value and wait for hedge to cover shares
102949016 OP : well, perhaps the hedges will just pay interest n delay again since its not the first time already right ?
102899586 : don't fall into the trap. news trying to show you other stocks to scare you out of AMC because AMC is not moving. but look at strength
Kooocat : hahaha this same guy with this id is just spreading negativity because he lost money lmao. Leave this nutcase be