102597866 : must drop 10% within 5 min during market hours
Samantha_tan : paper tiger only. not protecting the retail investors. rule there but not executed
moooooooonnnn OP : Wow so there's a 5min time frame
Ceelee : ssr was in effect today is what was reported earlier on some sites
moooooooonnnn OP Ceelee : I see no sure restrictions
102597866 : must drop 10% within 5 min during market hours
Samantha_tan : paper tiger only. not protecting the retail investors. rule there but not executed
moooooooonnnn OP : Wow so there's a 5min time frame
Ceelee : ssr was in effect today is what was reported earlier on some sites
moooooooonnnn OP Ceelee : I see no sure restrictions