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$WISeKey (WKEY.US)$ WISeKey completes arago's AI function w...

WISeKey completes arago's AI function with its semiconductor manufacturing integrated WISeKey VaultIC security components and security microcontrollers protect a wide range of Internet of things devices and consumer products that generate large amounts of trusted data needed for automated AI purposes. WISeKey's Swiss Internet of things Security, together with German artificial intelligence leader arago, combines artificial intelligence, Internet of things and network security into a trusted European Internet of things platform. Geneva, Switzerland-June 7, 2021: WISeKey International Holdings Limited ("WISeKey"), the world's leading cyber security and Internet of things company (6: WIHN, NASDAQ: WKEY), today announced that it has completed the integration of arago's artificial intelligence functions with its semiconductor manufacturing industry. This combination is powerful because artificial intelligence allows semiconductor companies to get 40% to 50% of the total value from the technology stack, the best opportunity they have in decades. Storage will experience the highest growth, but semiconductor companies will get the most value in computing, memory and networking. Carlos Moreira (Carlos Moreira), founder and CEO of WISeKey, said: "WISeKey has been selected by global companies as their digital trust partner. "our semiconductors are heavily used in many sensitive applications that require not only unique technical expertise, but also a sound supply chain. Through integration with arago, we can provide our customers with an end-to-end AIoT solution that integrates semiconductors, smart sensors, Internet of things systems, artificial intelligence and data clouds to provide customers with unique products to drive innovation and digital transformation. Using WISeKey's network security technology, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of things, data will be collected in HIRO, where it can be processed and automated in real time in a highly secure environment. Despite the current chaotic semiconductor crisis, we have once again demonstrated responsiveness and agility to provide the best business continuity for our customers.

Since WISeKey's acquisition of arago earlier this year, the combined team has worked closely to implement the first end-to-end AIoT platform, a groundbreaking combination of their industry-leading products: arago's AI-based knowledge automation and data platforms HIRO and WISeKey web security, European Trust Root and Internet of things / semiconductor technology. Using WISeKey's network security technology and the Internet of things network, data will be collected in HIRO, where it can be processed and automated in real time in a highly secure environment. Billions of WISeKey security chips are embedded in high-tech products and goods to protect data, communications and firmware from cyber attacks. These include routers, modems, energy smart meters, drones and medical devices. As a fab-free company, WISeKey trusts a network of subcontractors and partners to provide the best delivery time and services to its most prestigious customers. Although the company's order-to-shipment ratio has exploded, it must challenge its existing supply chain and find short-term and long-term solutions to maintain or even continue to improve service quality standards. These solutions involve ongoing negotiations with existing suppliers and investments to diversify procurement, including repositioning some processes to minimize transport and environmental impacts. Through the use of artificial intelligence algorithms and predictive maintenance through AIoT, Internet of things devices will be able to dynamically determine decision-making and self-programming actions based on analytical and customer-defined knowledge, thereby reducing supplier operating and maintenance costs.

The primary goal of technology integration is to gain a foothold in the AIoT market to maximize near-term revenue, while in industrial 4, retail, financial transactions, automobiles, smart cities, consumer products, healthcare, smart cards, industrial, transport and IT infrastructure. Artificial intelligence plays a more and more important role in the application and deployment of the Internet of things. Over the past two years, investment and acquisitions in start-ups that combine artificial intelligence and the Internet of things have risen. Major suppliers of Internet of things platform software now offer integrated artificial intelligence functions, such as machine learning-based analysis. The value of adding artificial intelligence to the WISeKey platform is that it can quickly gain insight from data. Machine learning is an artificial intelligence technology that automatically recognizes patterns and detects anomalies in data collected by smart sensors and devices, such as temperature, pressure, humidity, air quality, vibration and sound. WISeKey's strategy is to leverage its technology platform through long-term relationships with strategic partners to bring innovative technologies to network security solutions such as artificial intelligence, digital identity and privacy, secure mobile communications, secure cloud computing provided by WISeKey, Internet of things, secure semiconductors, blockchain, etc.
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