Mad Man : Nope. It will go up tonite to $9
Flaming Deals OP Mad Man : How u know? When the actual market opens?
Mad Man Flaming Deals OP : See my previous comments. I say go down to $6 plus it went down. Now I say up to $9. .. cos..
Flaming Deals OP Mad Man : Going lower alr I think no hope alr
我叻个去 : hopeless
GM 1 : Pls don’t say it’s hopeless if you know what stock investments is all about. Meme stocks traps are hopeless yes but not legit stocks
Mad Man : Nope. It will go up tonite to $9
Flaming Deals OP Mad Man : How u know? When the actual market opens?
Mad Man Flaming Deals OP : See my previous comments. I say go down to $6 plus it went down. Now I say up to $9. .. cos..
Flaming Deals OP Mad Man : Going lower alr I think no hope alr
我叻个去 : hopeless
GM 1 : Pls don’t say it’s hopeless if you know what stock investments is all about. Meme stocks traps are hopeless yes but not legit stocks