It depends on the number of share you order, which means the more you ordered, the more shares will be allocated to you. But I believe there is a max shares allocated to us retail investors. As you know most of shares are for large institutions
71418328 : i only got 10 lol
finance_analyst : How are the shares being allocated?
Ordered first = more shares?
Or ordered more shares = got more shares?..
I ordered the min QTY (50) on 6/9 and got only 10 too
70952806 finance_analyst : same here
finance_analyst finance_analyst : @Team moomoocould you please help us understand how IPO shares are being allocated? Many thanks!
70515280 finance_analyst : It depends on the number of share you order, which means the more you ordered, the more shares will be allocated to you. But I believe there is a max shares allocated to us retail investors. As you know most of shares are for large institutions